Legal notice

Lichtanlagentechnik GmbH

Sallersteig 15
D-89134 Blaustein-Wippingen
Telephon: +49 73 04 . 96 17 - 0
Telefax: +49 73 04 . 96 17 - 99

Managing Director:
Jürgen Braungardt

Responsible for content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Jürgen Braungardt

Commercial Register:
Ulm HRB 3261


Registration number
Elektro-Altgeräte Register (register for waste electrical equipment)

Liability note:
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not take any liability for the contents of external links. The contents of external websites is the responsibility of the providers of those sites.

concept and design
Headtrick – Agentur für integrierte Kommunikation GmbH

Programming & Implementation
Bertram Schnitzler - BSSTUDIO
Cookie guidelines
We use so-called cookies for the correct functioning of our website. Further information on this subject can be found in our data protection declaration.
These cookies help us to enable the operation and features of the website. They ensure the basic functioning and can therefore not be deactivated.
With your agreement, you allow the loading of external media which are associated with the setting of system-related cookies by the provider in question. (Google Maps, Vimeo, YouTube)
Marketing cookies make it possible to render the content of our website as well as the advertising on third-party sites as relevant as possible for you. Please note that data for this are sometimes transmitted to third parties such as Google or Facebook. We use Google Adwords and Google Analytics.
Legal notice|Data privacy
JB User Network - the community portal
Who has what and how many JB products are in stock and where can I rent them? Our User Network provides you with the answer. Simply filter by town or postcode, distance and the JB product you need and possible rental companies will be displayed immediately – lets get started!
In order to be able to use our User Network or to store your company data (My Account) and your stock of JB devices, registration with subsequent authorisation is required!
Register now